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Quick Wins Series: Install Hotjar

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Jamie Dowis
Head of Product
October 30, 2023
5 min read
Table of contents

Introduction to the Quick Wins Series

When SaaS startups bring us on board, the first request is almost always the same: "Can you audit our site and make any immediate improvements?" Over time we’ve been able to fine-tune a list of quick, impactful updates that can improve virtually any site.

For our first post in this series, we are sharing how to install Hotjar, as it is the best way to start collecting data on how users are interacting with your site and will help you identify the most impactful changes you can make to your site.

What is Hotjar?

Hotjar is a powerful analytics and feedback tool. It gives you a bird's eye view of how visitors are interacting with your site, from clicks to scrolls to mouse movements. The visual heatmaps, session recordings, and surveys provide actionable insights about what's working and what's not.

A standout feature of Hotjar is its generous free tier, making it accessible to startups and businesses of all sizes. By shedding light on user behavior, Hotjar empowers you to make informed decisions, ensuring that every update or change you make is both necessary and impactful.

Installing Hotjar

The best part about Hotjar is that it will take less than 15 minutes out of your day to get it installed.

  1. Create an Account: Create an account at
  2. Copy the Tracking Code: Once registered, you'll be provided with a unique tracking code.
  3. Installation on Webflow: If your site is on Webflow, the process is a breeze. Navigate to your project settings, and under the 'Custom Code' tab, paste the Hotjar tracking code in the 'Head Code' section and click Save. Publish your site and go back to Hotjar to verify that the code has been installed.
  4. Consistently Review: Once installed, we suggest setting a weekly reminder to review the recordings in Hotjar and take notes on where your users are getting stuck or dropping off of your site.

For more detailed installation instructions, here are Hotjar’s installation guides for some of the most common website platforms:

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Jamie Dowis
Head of Product
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